• iconJ876 Sitapura Industrial Area, 302022
  • iconinfo.inayat21@gmail.com

Opening Hours : Monday to Saturay - 8 AM to 8 PM


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+91 9799397054




You are the most beautiful creature. I’ve ever seen.
Little Butterfly! A pretty creature,
Sweetest passion known to man.

White and blue,
Death comes in a day or two.

It’s wings are heavy,
Searching for honey,
Here rest your wings, when they are weary.

Dancing like an angel,
Free to roam,
Above the moss and tawny grass,
Tiny weed have no home.

It’s happy heart has power,
To make a stone a flower.

Butterflies, beautiful butterflies!
Even I want to fly with you,
Fly! Fly! Fly!
It would be such fun,
To fly high, toward the sky.